October 18, 2024 5:28 pm

Joint Venture Gold Mine in Liberia

Our mines produce gold powders and Nuggets, we melt them to a bar of  22 carats with 95 to 96.9% purity. As a small-scale mining operator, if you’re interested in purchasing a large number of gold bars, we can secure many kilos from the local villagers and melt them down before shipping them to your desired destination. Alternatively, I can ship the gold to a refinery in Dubai under my account to be refined to 999.5 purity and placed in my gold stock account for sale to an institution.

To pre-qualify, clients are required to provide a client information sheet, corporate documents indicating good standing, and bank details for the receiving party, as well as demonstrate the capacity to cover the amount that they wish to purchase.         

Liberia Gold Mining Exploration

We have selected a mining concession land from the government, and it is ready for drilling and testing of the gold deposit and ready to proceed with the following steps

Permitting and Environmental Assessment: Ensure all necessary permits are obtained from the government for exploration and drilling activities. Conduct environmental assessments to minimize the impact of your operations.

Geological Survey: Conduct detailed geological surveys of the concession area to understand the geological formations and potential gold deposits. This may involve aerial surveys, geological mapping, and geophysical surveys.

Drilling Program: Plan your drilling program based on the results of the geological surveys. Determine the locations and depths of the drill holes to effectively test the gold deposit.

Core Sampling: Collect core samples from the drill holes to analyze the gold content and grade of the deposit. This will help estimate the size and economic viability of the deposit.

Laboratory Analysis: Send the core samples to a reputable laboratory for analysis. This may include assays to determine the concentration of gold and other valuable minerals present.

Resource Estimation: Based on the results of the drilling and sampling, estimate the size and grade of the gold deposit. This will help assess the economic potential of the project.

Feasibility Study: Conduct a feasibility study to evaluate the economic viability of developing the gold deposit into a mine. This will involve assessing factors such as production costs, market demand, and potential returns on investment.

Community Engagement: Engage with local communities and stakeholders to ensure their concerns are addressed and to gain their support for the project.

Infrastructure Development: Plan for the development of necessary infrastructure such as access roads, power supply, and water management facilities to support mining operations.

Risk Management: Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the project, such as geological uncertainties, regulatory changes, and market fluctuations.

We are currently looking for qualified investors to join us in our gold mining project. Let’s cash it in of our gold together.

All unrefined gold bars will be shipped to our UAE refinery consignee for refining to a purity of 999.5. The refined gold will then be placed in my account for sale to a institutions.

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